Are you tired of getting emails promising millions of dollars will come to you if you help and Iranian princess who's family has been exiled and you are the key to helping her reclaim her families fortune.Or notifications that you have won a lottery worth millions in a foreign country!  Come on, do people really fall for this?  Of course they do or else these scams would go away.  I always want to know where these international scam artists get my email address.  Also, I am sure you agree that the annoying chain emails from your friends and family that seem to circle the globe are getting old also. I especially dislike the ones that say if I love my family or friends, or even God then I need to prove it by forwarding the email. Sure they come with cute pictures of kittens or love poetry or something harmless enough, but then the catch, send this email to 100 people in the next 24 hours or you will die a slow painful death!

Ok, so maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point.  I wonder how connected these two forms of annoying emails are?  I realize that scam artists can easily attain email addresses from your facebook, myspace , or craigslist, however consider this, it is so much easier for them to get your email address from a chain e-mail. then its just a matter of cut and paste.  The average chain email I receive will have no less than 25 other email addresses attached to it. 

So I am going to stop forwarding chain emails as of today!  The buck stops here!  

I do love my family , most and my friends and God, even though my not forwarding these emails may imply otherwise! 

I encourage you all to do the same, and trust me, if you do indeed win the Canadian Lottery by some miracle, since you have not even bought a ticket, they will NOT notify you by email !!!